In a nutshell, the choice between Flutter and Native development depends on your project requirements, constraints, and resources. The Flutter framework is ideal for rapid development and consistent design across all platforms, especially when cost constraints are a concern. Native development is better for projects requiring strict adherence to platform-specific design guidelines and deep integration with specific hardware features.

Are you weighing the pros and cons of Flutter vs Native app development in 2024? 

Flutter is a popular open-source framework that lets developers build apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Created by Google, Flutter has gained a large following among developers. With Flutter, you write your app once and it works on all devices. It’s like making three for the price of one. 

Flutter vs Native app development: a detailed comparison

Source: Flutter

On the other hand, Native development involves creating apps tailored for specific platforms like iOS, Android, or Windows. For example, if you’re making an app for iOS, you’ll need a Mac and you’ll probably be using Swift or Objective-C with Xcode. But if you’re building for Android, you’re likely to be coding in Java or Kotlin with Android Studio.

Consistently recognized as one of the top software development companies on Clutch, our team at the Volpis has spent years using both Flutter and Native technologies to build robust apps for businesses across many industries. If you have any questions about Flutter or Native app development, we would be happy to answer all your questions and give honest advice. You can always reach out to us via 

And in this article, we want to offer a detailed comparison of Flutter and Native app development to help you weigh their strengths and weaknesses in 2024. We want to help you make the best choice for your project, making sure it’s a success from day one. 

Flutter vs Native app development in 2024

Flutter vs Native app development: a detailed comparison

Both Flutter and Native development allow building of robust features and have earned their place in the development world. 

Flutter developmentNative development
CostUsing Flutter for development saves costs because it works on multiple platforms. Additionally, Flutter’s rapid development cycles and code reusability allow businesses to deploy updates and features faster, thereby lowering labor costs and time-to-market. It’s important to note that while Flutter speeds up the development process, it’s not always twice as fast as native development. There are still platform-specific adjustments and integrations that need to be made. But overall, Flutter can accelerate the development process by about 1.5 times compared to native development, making it a highly efficient choice for many projects.Using native technologies involves higher costs due to the need for specialized teams proficient in platform-specific languages like Java/Kotlin for Android or Objective-C/Swift for iOS. Maintaining separate codebases for each platform also increases long-term maintenance expenses, as updates and bug fixes must be implemented individually.
PerformanceFlutter achieves high performance by compiling code into native ARM code, which runs efficiently on devices. However, because Flutter adds an abstraction layer between its code and the native platform, there can be minor differences in performance compared to fully native apps that directly access device features.Native apps are optimized for specific platforms like Android or iOS, ensuring they leverage the platform’s capabilities fully, which often results in slightly better performance than cross-platform solutions.
User interfaceFlutter provides a rich set of widgets for building user interfaces, promoting consistency across different platforms. Yet, achieving pixel-perfect designs across various screen sizes and resolutions can be more challenging with Flutter compared to native development. Native development utilizes platform-specific UI controls and adheres closely to each platform’s design guidelines (such as Material Design for Android and Human Interface Guidelines for iOS), ensuring UI elements look and function seamlessly on each device.
Development environmentFlutter’s single codebase for Android and iOS applications accelerates development cycles. This approach allows developers to write once and deploy on multiple platforms, reducing development time and effort significantly. If you go the native route, you have to build separate versions for Android and iOS, using different languages (like Java/Kotlin for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS) and tools (Android Studio for Android, Xcode for iOS). That can take longer because you’re essentially building two different apps.
IDE and operating system supportFlutter developers can use Android Studio or Visual Studio Code on Windows, Mac, or Linux—whatever floats your boat. So you can work where you’re most comfortable.Android developers typically use Android Studio or other tools like Eclipse or IntelliJ on Windows or Mac. iOS developers are more limited—they’ve gotta use Xcode, and that’s only available on Macs.
CommunityThe Flutter community is growing fast and they’re constantly adding new stuff like cool widgets and helpful plugins. This means you’re not alone when you’re building Flutter apps; there’s a whole gang out there to help you out. Native platforms like Java for Android and Objective-C for iOS have been around forever and have big communities with tons of resources and advice built up over time.

Flutter vs Native development: advantages & disadvantages

When it comes to choosing between Flutter and Native development, understanding their capabilities and limitations can make a big difference. Let’s dive into what each offers.

Flutter development pros and cons

Flutter development pros and cons

Flutter enables building apps across multiple platforms from a single codebase. However, it comes with its own set of challenges. 

Flutter development advantagesFlutter development disadvantages
Flutter makes waves with its ability to create apps across multiple platforms like Android, iOS, Web, and even Cloud applications using a single codebase. This not only streamlines development but also ensures consistency across different platforms.

One of the standout features of Flutter is its Hot-Reload capability. Unlike traditional native development where developers often have to wait to see small changes, Flutter allows instant testing of code modifications. This speeds up the development process significantly.

From a financial standpoint, Flutter can be a game-changer. By enabling developers to build for both Android and iOS from a single codebase, it reduces overall project costs. This cost-effectiveness is a major reason why many are shifting from Native development to Flutter.
While Flutter performs well for most applications, it may not be the best choice for performance-intensive tasks like complex animations, high-performance gaming, or apps requiring extensive computational operations.

Flutter may have limitations in accessing platform-specific features and APIs, especially when compared to native development. For example, advanced features like ARKit (iOS), HealthKit (iOS), or custom Bluetooth operations might require more effort to implement.

Flutter apps tend to have a larger binary size compared to native apps. This is due to the inclusion of the Flutter engine and the necessary libraries, which can be a drawback for users with limited storage space.

While Flutter’s ecosystem is growing, it is still relatively new compared to native development ecosystems like those for iOS and Android. This can result in fewer available third-party libraries and plugins, or sometimes less mature ones, which might not cover all needs or be as reliable as their native counterparts.

Although Flutter provides a consistent UI across platforms, it might not always align perfectly with the native look and feel of iOS and Android. For applications that require a very native user experience that strictly follows platform-specific design guidelines, native development might be preferred.

Native development pros and cons

Native development pros and cons

Native development excels in delivering optimized performance tailored to each platform, ensuring seamless integration with hardware and native user experiences. Yet, the approach requires separate development efforts for Android and iOS, potentially increasing costs and development time.

Native development advantagesNative development disadvantages
When it comes to performance optimization, native development shines. Apps are finely tuned for each platform, ensuring optimal performance, which is crucial for resource-intensive applications.

Native applications also boast a genuine native look and feel. They seamlessly integrate with the platform’s design standards, offering users a familiar and intuitive experience that can be hard to replicate with cross platform solutions like Flutter.

Hardware integration is another area where native development excels. There’s no additional layer between the app and the device’s hardware, leading to seamless integration and efficient use of device capabilities.

Furthermore, native languages like Java (for Android) and Swift (for iOS) have extensive libraries and plugins available. This robust ecosystem accelerates development by providing pre-built solutions, thereby reducing project duration.
Development with native technologies does come with its challenges.

One notable drawback is higher development costs. Since separate code bases and teams with knowledge of different programming languages are required for Android and iOS development, this can lead to increased project expenses.

When to choose each: use cases of Native and Flutter development 

When deciding between Flutter and Native, there are a lot of factors to consider. Let’s dive into some common scenarios to help you figure out which platform is right for your project.

When to go for Native app development:

  • Optimal for high-performance apps: Native development is preferable for applications requiring maximum performance, such as those with intensive graphics or complex animations.
  • Deep platform integration: When your app needs to leverage specific platform features like ARKit, HealthKit, device sensors, or custom Bluetooth operations, native development provides better support and integration.
  • Enhanced user experience: Native development enables adherence to platform-specific design guidelines, providing a more intuitive and responsive user experience.
  • Long-term project viability: For projects expected to evolve over a long period, native development offers better alignment with platform updates and optimizations.
  • Complex architectural needs: If your app has sophisticated architectural requirements, native development offers more flexibility and control to meet these needs.

When to go for Flutter app development:

  • Ideal for simple or moderately complex apps: If your project involves a relatively simple application with straightforward features, Flutter is a fantastic choice. Flutter’s single codebase allows for faster development, which is perfect for apps that don’t need to push the hardware to its limits.
  • No need for deep native integration: When your app doesn’t require integration with native features like ARKit, HealthKit, or custom device sensors, Flutter provides a more efficient development process. This cross-platform framework abstracts away much of the complexity, allowing you to focus on building your app rather than dealing with platform-specific intricacies.
  • Performance isn’t the top priority: For apps where performance is important but not critical, Flutter offers a balance between speed and efficiency. While native development might squeeze out every last bit of performance, Flutter delivers an experience that’s more than sufficient for most use cases.
  • Perfect for Proof of Concept (PoC): If you’re looking to develop a Proof of Concept or an MVP, Flutter is ideal. Its rapid development cycle and cross-platform nature allow you to quickly create and iterate on your app, helping you validate your idea without committing extensive resources.

How Volpis can bring your app vision to life

Volpis is a software development company that specializes in developing custom apps for businesses. Our team, consisting of over 40 in-house experts, brings extensive experience and creativity to each project. Whether you need a cross-platform solution with Flutter or a platform-specific app with Native development, we’ve got the expertise to bring your vision to life. 

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the glowing reviews from our customers, who consistently praise our dedication to delivering exceptional results. 

Flutter vs Native app development: a detailed comparison

Read more reviews from our valuable customers here

We invite you to explore our portfolio for a detailed look at the innovative software systems we have developed for our clients. 
We’d love to answer any questions you may have about Flutter and Native app development. You can reach out to us via with any questions or to explore how we can be part of your journey.


Is Flutter future-proof for cross-platform mobile development? 

Flutter is designed to be future-proof in cross-platform app development, leveraging the Dart programming language for efficient app development across Android and iOS. This framework compiles code to native ARM code, ensuring performance comparable to native apps on both platforms. Dart’s strong typing system and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation contribute to Flutter’s robustness in handling future updates and advancements in mobile technology. Businesses adopting Flutter can benefit from its scalability and adaptability, accommodating evolving industry standards and technological advancements over time.

How do Native technologies enhance platform-specific apps? 

Native development, using languages like Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS, optimizes apps to fully leverage each platform’s unique features. This approach ensures seamless integration of platform-specific functionalities such as BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and hardware sensor access, crucial for applications requiring high performance and precise device interactions. Native mobile apps are directly compiled into the device’s machine code, maximizing efficiency and responsiveness, which is particularly beneficial for resource-intensive domains like e-commerce and medical applications. Leveraging Native technologies empowers developers to harness platform-specific advantages, enhancing app performance and user experience across diverse mobile ecosystems.

What are the advantages of Flutter over other cross-platform frameworks? 

Flutter stands out among cross-platform frameworks due to its one codebase approach and Hot Reload feature, which allows developers to instantly view changes made to the code. This accelerates the development cycle and reduces time-to-market for mobile apps, enhancing productivity and agility in app development. Dart’s Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation further supports rapid iteration, making Flutter a preferred choice for mobile developers seeking to streamline their development process while maintaining high-quality performance. Flutter’s extensive widget library and customizable UI components facilitate the creation of visually appealing and responsive apps that meet the design guidelines of both Android’s Material Design and iOS’s Human Interface Guidelines.

How does Flutter simplify the development of Android and iOS apps? 

By enabling developers to write one codebase for both iOS and Android development, Flutter minimizes the complexity associated with maintaining separate codebases. This unified approach not only reduces mobile development time but also lowers costs, as businesses can allocate resources more efficiently across mobile platforms. Flutter’s comprehensive widget library and customizable UI components facilitate the creation of apps that meet the design guidelines of both Android’s Material Design and iOS’s Human Interface Guidelines. Developers benefit from Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities, which streamline app deployment and maintenance.

What are the challenges of achieving pixel-perfect designs with Flutter? 

While Flutter provides a rich set of widgets for building consistent UI across platforms, achieving pixel-perfect designs across various screen sizes and resolutions can require meticulous customization. Designers and developers may need to fine-tune layouts, typography, and animations to ensure visual coherence and usability on different devices. Despite these challenges, Flutter’s flexibility and extensive community support offer resources and best practices to help mobile developers achieve high-quality design fidelity in their apps. Flutter’s cross platform technologies empower developers to create visually appealing and responsive apps that meet the design standards of both Android’s Material Design and iOS’s Human Interface Guidelines.

How does Native development ensure quality user experience on Android and iOS? 

Natively compiled applications are developed using platform-specific SDKs and tools, ensuring adherence to Android’s Material Design principles and iOS’s Human Interface Guidelines. This approach guarantees that UI elements and interactions align with user expectations on each platform, enhancing usability and user satisfaction. Native development also leverages advanced features and optimizations tailored to Android and iOS ecosystems, such as efficient memory management and native API access, which contribute to smoother performance and responsiveness. Developers benefit from Native development’s comprehensive ecosystem and platform-specific optimizations, ensuring quality user experience across diverse mobile environments.

What are the advantages of using Native languages for mobile app development? 

Native languages like Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS offer several advantages in mobile app development, including access to platform-specific APIs and libraries. Developers proficient in these languages can leverage extensive documentation and community support to implement complex features and functionalities efficiently. Kotlin’s interoperability with Java and Swift’s safety features further enhance developer productivity and code quality, making Native mobile development a preferred choice for applications requiring high performance and seamless integration with device hardware. Native development empowers developers to harness platform-specific advantages, ensuring optimal app performance and user experience.

How does Flutter compare to other cross-platform frameworks in terms of performance? 

Flutter achieves competitive performance through its unique architecture that eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge by compiling directly to native code. This approach reduces overhead and improves app responsiveness, making Flutter suitable for both UI-intensive applications and real-time data processing. However, developers should consider platform-specific optimizations and performance testing to ensure optimal app performance across different devices and operating systems. Flutter’s performance benefits from its efficient rendering engine and direct compilation to native code, enabling efficient cross platform development of high-performance apps on Android and iOS devices.

What role does Dart programming language play in Flutter app development? 

Dart serves as the primary programming language for Flutter app development, offering features such as ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and just-in-time (JIT) compilation. AOT compilation optimizes app startup time and reduces memory usage by compiling Dart code to native machine code ahead of deployment. JIT compilation, on the other hand, facilitates rapid development and debugging through its ability to compile code dynamically during app execution. Together, these features enhance developer productivity and contribute to Flutter’s efficiency in creating high-performance cross platform apps. Dart’s versatility and performance optimizations make it well-suited for building responsive and scalable apps on Android and iOS platforms.

How does Flutter support the development of desktop applications alongside mobile apps? 

Flutter’s cross platform framework extends beyond mobile devices to desktop platforms, enabling developers to build native desktop applications using a single codebase. This versatility allows businesses to leverage existing Flutter expertise and resources to create applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. Flutter’s adaptive UI components and platform-aware APIs ensure consistent user experiences across different desktop environments, facilitating seamless integration and deployment of desktop applications alongside mobile counterparts. Developers benefit from Flutter’s unified development approach, which simplifies multi-platform app development and enhances productivity across diverse operating systems.